A guidance law considering finite-time convergent terminal mode sliding is developed for missiles intercepting maneuvering targets with terminal angle constraints. Firstly, since the existed nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance laws have the drawback of non-strictly convergence on the reaching phase, a new nonsingular terminal sliding mode is designed. Secondly, an adaptive law for the upper bound estimation of the target acceleration is presented and an adaptive nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance law with strict convergence is proposed. Finally, based on Lyapunov stability theory, the guidance system can converge to zero in finite time and the sliding surface is strictly convergent without non-convergence factors by the proposed guidance law. Simulation results indicate that with the proposed guidance law, the missile can intercept the maneuvering targets effectively. Besides, a comparison between the existed nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance law and the nonsingular guidance law based on a switching sliding mode shows that the proposed guidance law can improve the tracking precision of the desired terminal angle and reduces the interception time as well as the actuator energy for missiles.
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