As one of the subsystems of Air Conditioning System (ACS) in civil aircraft, Trim Air System (TAS) is essentially the hot air branch to regulate cabin temperature. While the dynamic characteristics of TAS greatly affect the variation of downstream and cabin air parameters, it goes against with the stability of downstream parameters. Therefore, the system control law should be designed based on the inherent dynamic characteristics of the system, so as to stabilize the downstream parameters. With the updating of the system architecture and system components, the pressure is regulated by electrically operated Trim Air Pressure Regulating Valve (TAPRV) and Trim Air Pressure Sensor (TAPS) instead of the traditional mechanical pneumatic TAPRV. The dynamic characteristics of TAS is required to be simulated efficiently and accurately. In this paper, a small deviation linearization method is provided for theoretical derivation, and an efficient dynamic simulation model for typical electrically operated TAS is established. The method is validated to be accurate. Then the control law of electrically TAPRV is designed as an example, achieving good pressure regulating effect. Based on the design flow, this research provides TAS pressure control requirements, and provides guidance for the dynamic modeling and simulation of ACS.
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