In order to evaluate a newly developed Quantum Kinetic (QK) chemical reaction model for the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, this paper implemented the model in our own DSMC software named RariHV that can numerically simulate hypersonic rarefied gas flows and performed equilibrium and non-equilibrium chemical reaction tests in a single adiabatic cell. The numerical results are in good agreement with the theory, indicating that the QK model can well predict chemically reactive flows. Furthermore, to assess the performance of the QK model in realistic flows, hypersonic chemical reaction flow passing a cylinder was computed. Computational results of temperature profile and number density profile along the stagnation line agree well with those of the Total Collision Energy (TCE)model. Compared with the common TCE model, the QK model no longer relies on the experimental reaction rate coefficients and has potential value of applications in areas with little chemical reaction data, such as deep space exploration.
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