

  • 张颖哲 ,
  • 倪大明 ,
  • Incheol LEE ,
  • 林大楷 ,
  • 杨志刚
  • 中国商飞北京民用飞机技术研究中心 民用飞机设计数字仿真技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 102211

收稿日期: 2018-06-12

  修回日期: 2018-07-17

  网络出版日期: 2018-09-17



Test on hot jet noise of scaled engine nozzle

  • ZHANG Yingzhe ,
  • NI Daming ,
  • Incheol LEE ,
  • LIN Dakai ,
  • YANG Zhigang
  • Beijing Key Laboratory of Simulation Technology for Civil Aircraft Design, Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute of COMAC, Beijing 102211, China

Received date: 2018-06-12

  Revised date: 2018-07-17

  Online published: 2018-09-17

Supported by

National Level Project




张颖哲 , 倪大明 , Incheol LEE , 林大楷 , 杨志刚 . 缩比发动机喷嘴热喷流噪声试验[J]. 航空学报, 2018 , 39(12) : 122446 -122446 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22446


In order to understand the characteristics of turbofan engine jet noise, verify the method of reducing jet noise, and establish engine jet noise database, the hot jet noise test of scaled engine nozzle is carried out in CEPRA19 acoustic wind tunnel of the national aerospace and aeronautics research center of France. Aiming at the engine hot jet simulation system, two kinds of nozzle configurations, area ratio (the ratio of outer nozzle area to inner nozzle area) 5 and 7, are designed and manufactured. The effect of thermal expansion on the size of the model is reduced by reducing the length and thickness of a single part in the high temperature region. The far-field noise characteristics of circular nozzle and chevron nozzle with two area ratios under different working conditions are tested in an acoustic wind tunnel. The spectrum analysis of far-field measurement noise shows that the jet noise decreases with the increase of wind tunnel speed, for chevron nozzle the jet noise level decreases at middle-low frequency, and increases at high frequency.


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