The study of wider-range Mach number configuration is of great importance for the development of hypersonic vehicles. This study is aimed at designing a wider-range Mach number airfoil based on Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and the surrogate-based optimization method based on kriging model. An airfoil with a lower surface of double "S" shape is designed. The aerodynamic characteristics of the designed airfoil are compared with quadrilateral and hexagon airfoils. Results show that the lift-to-drag ratio of the new airfoil is as large as 78.9 in transonic flow, and the lift-drag ratio reaches 5.94 in hypersonic flow. The aerodynamic characteristics of SANGER wing with the new airfoil is compared with that of the wing with quadrilateral and hexagon airfoils. In a word, the new airfoil as well as the wing with the new airfoil can achieve good overall aerodynamic performance at a wider-range Mach numbers, and is supposed to be applied to the design of the wider-range Mach number airfoil/wing for hypersonic vehicle applications.
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