A review of research on intercoolers and recuperators in aero-engines
Received date: 2016-11-15
Revised date: 2017-01-21
Online published: 2017-02-28
赵璧 , 宣益民 . 航空发动机间冷器及回热器发展研究综述[J]. 航空学报, 2017 , 38(9) : 520934 -520934 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.620934
To satisfy the demands for cheaper and environment-friendly aero-engines of future aircraft, intercooled recuperated cycle has been given much attention to in the past few years. Research on intercoolers and recuperators in aero-engines has become one of the key factors restricting the development of aero-engines that utilizing intercooled recuperated cycle. Research background of intercooled recuperated aero-engines is briefly introduced. Studies on heat transfer surfaces of intercoolers and recuperators in intercooled recuperated aero-engine both home and abroad are reviewed, as well as research on optimization of heat exchangers, installation and use of intercoolers and recuperators in intercooled recuperated aero-engines and the development of new type of high temperature heat exchanger technologies. Future research on intercoolers and recuperators in intercooled recuperated aero-engines is also proposed.
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