Mechanism test on aero acoustic characteristics of LAGOON landing gear wheel cavities
Received date: 2016-06-21
Revised date: 2016-11-18
Online published: 2016-12-21
在国际上关于LAGOON(LAnding Gear nOise database for civil aviation authority validatiON)起落架的研究中发现,机轮空腔噪声是一个重要的噪声源,为了研究其产生机理,本文以LAGOON模型的1/2缩比模型为试验对象,在北京航空航天大学D5气动声学风洞中进行试验。已有LAGOON模型数值模拟结果表明,过顶和侧边噪声中的纯音噪声与机轮空腔息息相关。并在LAGOON缩比模型试验结果的基础上,利用空腔填充的方法重点展开机轮空腔发声机理研究。通过对比不同填充方式的模型噪声试验,结合已有的半经验公式和前人成果,验证了空腔噪声中纯音噪声的产生机理与机轮空腔的声学共振现象有密切关系。
王骁原 , 郭昊 , 邢宇 , 刘沛清 . LAGOON起落架缩比模型机轮空腔发声机理试验[J]. 航空学报, 2017 , 38(5) : 120549 -120549 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0302
Some studies on LAGOON (LAnding Gear nOise database for civil aviation authority validatiON) landing gear have found that noise of the wheel cavities is a kind of important noise source all over the world. To order to study its mechanism, we use a half scale LAGOON model as the test model and conduct the test in D5 wind tunnel of Beihang University. Some existing simulation results of LAGOON have shown that the tones in the noise spectra of LAGOON are related to the landing gear wheel cavities. On the basis of basic LAGOON test results, the test are conducted by covering the cavities. With comparing the results of different covering-modified test and existing results, we validate that the mechanism of generation of tones of cavity noise is related to the cavity resonance.
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