收稿日期: 2015-07-10
修回日期: 2015-09-27
网络出版日期: 2015-11-13
Dynamic grid deformation method based on radial basis function and hybrid background grid
Received date: 2015-07-10
Revised date: 2015-09-27
Online published: 2015-11-13
Supported by
National High-tech Research and Development Program of China (2012AA051304);Innovation Research Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics (SKLA2014CX001)
孙岩 , 孟德虹 , 王运涛 , 邓小刚 . 基于径向基函数与混合背景网格的动态网格变形方法[J]. 航空学报, 2016 , 37(5) : 1462 -1472 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0266
A dynamic grid deformation method based on radial basis function (RBF) interpolation and hybrid background grid mapping is presented in this paper. The hybrid background grid is made up of anisotropic grid near the moving surface and isotropic grid away from the moving surface. After the surface deforms or moves, all surface grid points contained in the anisotropic background grid are moved directly according to a prescribed motion or deformation to enforce an exact geometry. The motion of the isotropic background grid points is calculated through the RBF interpolation. Then the new computational grid after surface movement is generated through a one-to-one mapping between the computational grid and the hybrid background grid, which is maintained during the movement. Since the isotropic background grid points have a distance from the moving surface, exact geometry recovery is not essential for the RBF interpolation in the present method and the number of the RBF centers can be reduced to improve the efficiency and robustness of RBF interpolation. Finally, the present method is tested through two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases, focusing on deformed grid quality, parameter effect, grid topology dependence, complex shape deformation and efficiency. The test results show that this method can generate high-quality grid with large deformation efficiently.
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