自从近几年SARS和几起流感通过民航客机传播发生以来,研究病菌在相对密闭环境内交叉传播显得越来越重要。研究发现,肺结核、天花、麻疹、流感等可以通过感染者乘坐飞机从一个城市携带并传染给另一个城市的人。研究人员对病菌在机舱空间内传播方式和途径进行了研究,研究表明病菌在机舱内传播的方式和途径主要包括直接接触传播、间接接触传播和空气传播方式。不同的研究方法被用来研究病菌在机舱内乘客交叉传播模型、在空气中扩散规律和乘客在经济舱、头等舱和商务舱受感染的概率等,这些研究病菌在机舱内传播扩散的方法主要有模拟实验测量方法、数值模拟方法和概率分析方法。本文主要阐述了研究病菌在机舱内传播的意义, 病菌在机舱内传播的研究方法,取得的主要研究成果以及应用现状等;并重点介绍了三种主要的研究方法,包括模拟实验测量方法、概率分析方法和数值模拟方法。最后, 总结了病菌在机舱内传播的研究进展以及有待解决的问题.
Indoor-cross infection of pathogen in relative enclosed environment has been still a concern since the SARS and recent cases of influenza spreading by commercial international flights. It is proved that smallpox, measles, tuberculosis, SARS and seasonal influenza can be transmitted during commercial flights. The researchers investi-gate the pathogen transmission modes and transmission routes in air cabins, as this is a key for developing relevant control strategies. These pathogen transmission modes and routes include direct contact transmission, indirection contact transmission and airborne transmission. A variety of methods can be utilized to investigate the pathogen cross-infection inside air cabins, airborne transmission patterns and infection probability of passengers in economy class, first class and business class respectively. These methods mainly include experiments in laboratory, statistics methods, and finally the computational fluid dynamics method. This paper basically presents the meanings of the research on pathogen transmission in civil aircraft cabin. And then it dedicates the research methods of pathogen transmission in air cabins as well as the results and applications. Three different kinds of methods which are usually adopted are focused in third section of this paper, including experiments in laboratory, statistics methods, and finally the numerical simulations method. At the end of the paper, the discussions and conclusions are drawn.