收稿日期: 2015-04-09
修回日期: 2015-04-13
网络出版日期: 2015-04-27
国家自然科学基金(91016022); 江苏高校优势学科建设工程
Topology optimization of flexible support structure for trailing edge
Received date: 2015-04-09
Revised date: 2015-04-13
Online published: 2015-04-27
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (91016022); Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
金栋平 , 纪斌 . 机翼后缘柔性支撑结构的拓扑优化[J]. 航空学报, 2015 , 36(8) : 2681 -2687 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0105
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ (NSGA-Ⅱ) with connectivity analysis is employed for the multi-objective topology optimization of the flexible support structure for morphing trailing edge, in which bit-matrix is used as the representation of a chromosome. Starting with the analysis of optimization target of the flexible support structure for trailing edge, the objective functions of multi-objective topology optimization are established. In order to improve the efficiency and make the optimization results better, the connectivity analysis and similar individual filter are put forward. The objectives such as mass, performances of deformation and load bearing ability of the feasible individuals are obtained by finite element analysis (FEA) using ANSYS, and the bit-matrix-based NSGA-Ⅱ is realized in MATLAB by penalizing the infeasible individuals. Subsequently, the feasible configurations of the support structure are obtained. The results show that the bit-matrix-based NSGA-Ⅱ with the connectivity analysis and similar individual filter can provide feasible and effective solutions for multi-objective topology optimization of the flexible support structure for morphing trailing edge.
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