收稿日期: 2014-09-25
修回日期: 2014-12-01
网络出版日期: 2014-12-30
国家“863”计划 (2012AA040209)
Trajectory planning of fiber placement based on controlled angle and interval
Received date: 2014-09-25
Revised date: 2014-12-01
Online published: 2014-12-30
Supported by
National High-tech Research and Development Program of China (2012AA040209)
对于具有复杂封闭型面的零件,传统等距偏置纤维铺放轨迹规划算法难以同时保证轨迹角度及轨迹间距,使得实际纤维铺放角度与设计角度易产生偏差。为此提出了基于脊线式基准的等铺放角初始轨迹生成算法与测地线式等距偏置批量轨迹生成算法相结合的角度控制轨迹规划算法,此方法集成了等角生成算法产生初始轨迹精度高和等距偏置算法产生批量轨迹效率高的优点,并添加角度控制功能,保证每条轨迹都能满足角度范围要求,有效减小和消除了实际铺放轨迹和设计铺放轨迹之间的差异,在保证轨迹生成角度与间距的同时提高了批量轨迹生成效率。在此算法基础上,采用CATIA 二次开发CAA技术和Visual Studio 2005平台开发了相应的软件,并对典型复杂构件S形进气道曲面算例进行了验证,证明了算法的有效性。
段玉岗 , 葛衍明 , 孟洋 , 辛志博 . 基于角度与间距可控的纤维铺放轨迹规划[J]. 航空学报, 2015 , 36(10) : 3475 -3482 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0335
For complex and closed profile parts, the traditional trajectory planning algorithm of isometric offset in fiber placement is difficult to generate both higher accuracy of trajectory angle and trajectory interval. This easily causes the deviation between actual placement angle and designed fiber ply angle. To overcome this problem, an angle control algorithm of trajectory planning is presented in this paper. This algorithm combines the uniform angle ridge-line-type datum algorithm of generating initial trajectory with the geodesic-type isometric offset algorithm to generate batch trajectories. And the algorithm has the advantages of both higher accuracy of generating initial trajectory and higher efficiency of generating batch trajectories. It can also control the angle of trajectories to ensure that each trajectory meet the requirement of the angle. This decreases and eliminates the difference between actual placement trajectories and designed placement trajectories. Angle control algorithm not only could ensure the accuracy of trajectory angle and trajectory interval, but also could improve the efficiency of generating batch trajectories. Then, the relevant software is developed based on the Component Application Architecture (CAA) technology of CATIA and Visual Studio 2005. And the algorithm has been successfully validated to plan the trajectory of the airplane's S-shaped inlet by using the developed software.
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