收稿日期: 2013-11-11
修回日期: 2014-01-23
网络出版日期: 2014-02-26
Research on the Architecture Technology for New Generation Integrated Avionics System
Received date: 2013-11-11
Revised date: 2014-01-23
Online published: 2014-02-26
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB744900); Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (20125552053)
王国庆 , 谷青范 , 王淼 , 张丽花 . 新一代综合化航空电子系统构架技术研究[J]. 航空学报, 2014 , 35(6) : 1473 -1486 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0533
Integrated avionics system is based on application requirement and its own ability, it adopts integration technology to realize the task synthesis facing to application for improving application efficiency; to realize the function information fusion facing to capability for improving capability quality; to realize operation mode integration facing to physical architecture. In this paper, aiming at new generation fight aircraft application scope and requirement of battlefield fight, around application layer, capability layer and resource layer for research on the constitution factor and modeling technology of new generation integration avionics architecture, based on the generation and organization process for task, function and resource analysis, we construct avionics system organization and operation architecture facing to different task objective, function organization and system ability of modern fight aircraft, propose hierarchy integration avionics system architecture-task organization architecture, function organization architecture and physical organization architecture, to realize the consistency among application space, logical space and physical space information dispose, and to establish the technology basis for integrated technology research of new generation fight aircraft avionics system.
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