航空学报 > 2024, Vol. 45 Issue (20): 129882-129882   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2024.29882


樊云翔1, 艾化楠2, 王明振2, 曹楷2, 刘学军1(), 吕宏强3   

  1. 1.南京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术学院 模式分析与机器智能工业和信息化部重点实验室,南京 211106
    2.中国特种飞行器研究所 高速水动力航空科技重点实验室,荆门 448035
    3.南京航空航天大学 航空学院,南京 210016
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-17 修回日期:2024-01-24 接受日期:2024-02-18 出版日期:2024-03-13 发布日期:2024-03-11
  • 通讯作者: 刘学军 E-mail:xuejun.liu@nuaa.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Unsteady hydrodynamic load reconstruction of seaplane based on deep learning

Yunxiang FAN1, Huanan AI2, Mingzhen WANG2, Kai CAO2, Xuejun LIU1(), Hongqiang LYU3   

  1. 1.MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,College of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China
    2.Key Laboratory of High?Speed Hydrodymamic Aviation Science and Technology,China Special Vehicle Research Institute,Jingmen 448035,China
    3.College of Aerospace Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
  • Received:2023-11-17 Revised:2024-01-24 Accepted:2024-02-18 Online:2024-03-13 Published:2024-03-11
  • Contact: Xuejun LIU E-mail:xuejun.liu@nuaa.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Aeronautical Science Foundation of China(2018ZA52002)



关键词: 非定常流场重构, 时序卷积网络, 扩散模型, 稀疏数据, 深度学习


Holographic hydrodynamic load distribution is of important significance in assessing the hydrodynamic performance of a seaplane, while model testing is a common method to obtain flow field data in the seaplane design.However,the hydrodynamic load test can only obtain a limited amount of sensor data with insufficient accuracy, thereby necessitating the holographic flow field reconstruction. Nevertheless, the hydrodynamic load data is highly nonlinear and sparse, resulting in difficult application of the traditional flow field reconstruction method. We use Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) to model the time-sequential flow field reconstruction problem of the seaplane entering the water at the bottom of the ship, learn the flow field law through the excellent nonlinear fitting ability of deep learning, and propose the reconstruction loss of a fusion diffusion model for the sparsity of the samples on the basis of the traditional TCN to improve the prediction accuracy of the neural network. The training set is used to train the diffusion model,then the trained diffusion model is fused into the training process of the TCN, and connected to the output of theTCN,while the reconstruction error is calculated. The constraints are imposed on the training of the TCN to improve the reconstruction performance of the flow field. This paper first compares the three models of the traditional TCN, the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and the fully connected network, and verifies the superiority of the TCN in modelling accuracy and generalization ability of non-constant water load reconstruction.The necessity of considering the timing factor in the hydrodynamic load reconstruction through the single-frame reconstruction experiments is illustrated, on the basis of which the validity of the TCN fused with the diffusion model for reconstructing the non-constant flow field is verified. This study provides an effective modelling method for reconstructing the non-constant flow field, acilitating comprehensive assessment of the mechanical properties of the vehicle using model tests.

Key words: unsteady flow field reconstruction, TCN, diffusion model, sparse data, deep learning
