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  1. 江苏科技大学,材料科学与工程学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-17 修回日期:2023-05-28 出版日期:2023-05-29 发布日期:2023-05-29
  • 通讯作者: 陈琪昊

Effect of ultrasonic vibration of welding wire on weld formation and pore in GMA welding of aluminum alloy

  • Received:2023-03-17 Revised:2023-05-28 Online:2023-05-29 Published:2023-05-29

摘要: 铝合金GMA焊接过程中引入超声能场可以有效降低焊缝气孔缺陷及改善焊缝成形。通过焊丝的超声频振动引入超声能场,可以避免超声能量转化率低及焊炬复杂化等弊端,是一种可行的超声施加方式。然而,关于焊丝超声频振动对铝合金GMA焊缝成形及气孔行为的影响尚不清晰,本文对此进行了具体研究。结果表明:焊丝超声频振动后,焊道波动范围与表面粗糙度均减小,同时焊缝表面光亮程度也提高,当超声工具头振幅为26.3 μm时,焊缝表面成形最佳;焊缝熔宽和熔深都有不同程度的增大,随着超声工具头振幅的提升,深宽比总体呈上升趋势,当超声工具头振幅为26.3 μm时,深宽比提升幅度为9.72%;焊缝气孔缺陷明显得到改善,当超声工具头振幅为22.8 μm、24.9 μm及26.3 μm时,焊缝气孔数量减少幅度分别为76.9%、65.7%及71.8%,同时气孔主要分布于焊缝上部;声学仿真结果表明,超声能量主要沿焊丝轴向传播,熔池下部声压幅值较大,这与焊缝熔深增加及焊缝下部气孔减少具有较好的对应关系。本研究对超声辅助铝合金GMA焊接技术的发展及理论的丰富具有重要意义。

关键词: 铝合金, 焊丝振动, GMA焊, 超声, 焊缝成形, 气孔

Abstract: The introduction of ultrasonic energy field in GMA welding of aluminum alloy could effectively decrease the pore defects and improve weld formation. Ultrasonic vibration of welding wire is a feasible method to introduce ultrasonic energy field in welding process, which could avoid the disadvantages of low conversion rate of ultrasonic energy and complex welding torch. However, the effect of ultrasonic vibration of welding wire on weld formation and pore behavior in GMA welding of aluminum alloy is unclear. The results show that after the ultrasonic vibration of the welding wire, the fluctuation range and surface roughness of the weld are reduced, and the surface brightness of the weld is also increased. The weld surface formation is the best when the vibration amplitude of the welding wire is 26.3 μm. The width and depth of weld increased in different degrees. With the increase of vibration amplitude of welding wire, the depth to width ratio generally increased. The depth to width ratio increased by 9.72 % when the vibration amplitude of welding wire was 26.3 μm. The porosity defect of weld is obviously improved. When the ultrasonic horn amplitudes was 22.8 μm, 24.9 μm and 26.3 μm, the number of pore in the weld decreased by 76.9 %, 65.7 % and 71.8 %, respectively, and the pores were mainly distributed in the upper part of the weld. The acoustic simulation results show that the ultrasonic energy mainly propagates along the axial direction of welding wire, and the acoustic pressure amplitude at the lower part of the weld pool is larger. This result has a good correlation with the increase of weld penetration and the decrease of porosity at the bottom of the weld. This study is of great significance for the development of ultrasonic assisted aluminum alloy GMA welding technology and the enrichment of theory.

Key words: Aluminum alloy, Welding wire vibration, GMAW, Ultrasonic, Weld formation, Pore
